Blog Archives

Making learning technology work

Sitting in the audience, I watch as the presenter prepares us for an activity using the online tool Padlet. They share a link and ask us all to post our responses to the web page. I’m just opening the Padlet

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Posted in Learning Technologies

What makes a good Technology Enhanced Learning blog post?

Here in Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of Sussex we have been blogging for 4 years. In that time we have picked up a few clues as to what makes a successful post. Here I will share a few

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Introducing Cadence, a new learning technology created by a @SussexUni student

Jade Gidney is a final year BSc Product Design student at the University of Sussex. For her final project she created her own learning technology to try to track student engagement, we interviewed her to find out more about her

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Posted in Case Study

Canvas news: May update

The implementation of Canvas continues to progress well and training for staff is well underway.  Since our last update in early April bookings to attend Canvas Fundamentals workshops have been flooding in.  The demand has been such that Technology Enhanced

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Posted in Canvas, Technology Enhanced Learning

Active Learning, Feedback and Learning Spaces – TEL joins in @SussexUni Away Days

Technology Enhanced Learning are always keen to be involved in school specific events and this year we have been pleased to be invited to contribute at many of the academic schools’ teaching and learning away days. These are sessions which

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Posted in Active learning, Events, feedback

Transforming Seminars with Padlet – Podcast Episode 10

How can we transform seminars using online collaboration? How can students develop digital skills and become active creators of multimedia learning resources? In this episode, we interview Dr. Wendy Garnham (www.twitter.com/W_Garnham), who is a Teaching Fellow in Psychology and Director of

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Posted in Learning Design, Mobile learning, Podcast, Uncategorized

Tech for active learning in large groups.

How can we promote and manage active learning during lectures? How can we measure student understanding and make sure that students are engaging with material? In 1972, Donald Bligh (1) undertook an extensive study on the use of the lecture

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Posted in Learning Design, Polling tools

How to overcome barriers when using tech in your teaching

Today we are looking at the barriers that can exist for some when using technology in teaching. The use of technology in lectures and seminars can help to engage students, create opportunities for flipped learning and make resources more accessible

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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