Blog Archives

5 Online Tools for Active Learning

Active learning is an approach to teaching and learning that requires students to take an active approach to learning material by analysing the topic and producing something tangible. It is different from passive learning which involves listening and reading but

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Posted in Active learning

4 fantastic uses for Padlet in online teaching

Padlet is a great tool that allows for a number of synchronous and asynchronous online teaching opportunities, here are 4 fantastic uses for Padlet as part of online teaching and learning: Backchannel and Q/A space Sharing resources Group work Introductory

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Posted in Blended learning

Padlet maps and timelines

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative at the time is was written. Padlet has been a popular tool for staff and students at Sussex for some time, which is why we have a Padlet Backpack licence

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Custard, empathy and the challenges of teaching: new case studies

The TEL team recently interviewed staff at the University of Sussex from Education, Economics and Law. They spoke to us about how they have been using technology to innovate their teaching practices. The topics they spoke to use about ranged

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Posted in Active learning, Case Study, Learning Technologies

Peer feedback for student learning

Professionals in all fields are constantly giving feedback to, and receiving feedback from, their peers. This blog post, for example, was reviewed by one of my colleagues before it was published and they made suggestions for ways to improve it.

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Posted in feedback

Padlet – some changes to a popular tool

Many staff and students at the University of Sussex are using Padlet, which is a very versatile and flexible digital tool that we have been sharing with colleagues for a few years. At the beginning of April 2018, Padlet changed

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Posted in Mobile learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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