Blog Archives

Presentation tips: accessible slides and free-to-use images

Some topics are of perennial interest and given that technologies are constantly changing there is usually something new to say. Two of the most popular posts on this blog have been on using Creative Commons images (2014) and making presentations

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Posted in Accessibility, Learning Technologies

Online Group Presentations

Student presentations are beneficial to student learning. For example: They engage students in the learning material and encourage them to be active in learning the topic they are presenting on. They develop professional and transferable skills.  They give students ownership of

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Posted in Blended learning

5 steps to using tech for presentations

Giving presentations is as much a part of academics’ lives as it is their students’. Whether presenting at a conference or in an undergraduate seminar, there are similar issues to bear in mind and digital tools to help. Step 1.

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Posted in digital skills, Learning Design

5 Top Tips for creating inclusive presentations

For presentations to be part of truly inclusive teaching practice they need to be created with an eye on accessibility. This post will outline some things you can do to make your presentations in lectures, seminars, meetings and conferences accessible

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Posted in Accessibility

Doing it digitally – presentations

Giving presentations is as much part of academics’ lives as it is their students’. Whether presenting at a conference or in an undergraduate seminar, there are digital tools to help with every step of the process. In previous posts such

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Top tips for designing presentations

This post introduces a few simple yet effective techniques for designing slideshow presentations. Make sure your slides are complementary and not a distraction Simultaneous use of speech, images and text can increase the cognitive load on your audience. Make sure

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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