The new empty Canvas sites for 2022/23 modules are now available to University of Sussex staff. TEL have provided guidance on how to get them ready for the new academic year and here is a top ten of things to…
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The new empty Canvas sites for 2022/23 modules are now available to University of Sussex staff. TEL have provided guidance on how to get them ready for the new academic year and here is a top ten of things to…
Summer is here, but before we know it students will be arriving to begin the 2019-20 academic year. Before then, teaching staff will want to prepare their Canvas modules and related materials. To support staff during this process Technology Enhanced…
We are pleased to announce that new module sites for the 2018-19 academic year are now available within Canvas for all staff registered as a module convenor, assessment convenor or tutor for modules that exist on the University’s database. These…