Blog Archives

Canvas Know-how 2: Making Use of Announcements

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] Announcements in Canvas are a great way of making students aware of important news. For example, if there

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas news: May update

The implementation of Canvas continues to progress well and training for staff is well underway.  Since our last update in early April bookings to attend Canvas Fundamentals workshops have been flooding in.  The demand has been such that Technology Enhanced

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Posted in Canvas, Technology Enhanced Learning

Canvas Know-how 1: Combining content on a single Canvas page.

When your module content is migrated to Canvas it will be displayed slightly differently to the way it looked in Study Direct. The two VLEs have different approaches to organising content, so you will see a best fit interpretation of

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

Canvas highlights 6: Conferences

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] Canvas provides staff and students with many collaboration opportunities and in this Canvas highlights post we will be

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas news: an update on progress

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] Since our last Canvas update in early February, work has continued at full pace, with a focus on

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas highlights 5: Collaborations

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] In the second of these Canvas Highlights posts we looked at Groups and some of the ways that

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas highlights 4. Rich Content Editor

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] In this weeks ‘Canvas Highlights’ we take a look at the Rich Content Editor. This represents the set

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Posted in Canvas

Canvas highlights 3. Peer Assessment

[note: this post has been updated to reflect a terminology change on the Sussex Canvas VLE, to align it to Sussex terminology] Continuing our Canvas highlights series, this week we are looking at peer assessment. In Canvas it is possible

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Posted in Canvas

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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