Blog Archives

AI in Teaching and Assessment: October 2023 update

Welcome to the first of, what we anticipate will become, regular (monthly-ish) updates on new developments in AI and Higher Education.   As this is the first such blog post, and one which comes at the end of a summer which

Posted in AI, Learning Technologies

Buddycheck: Get ready for a new peer evaluation tool to support group work at Sussex

Coming soon to Canvas – Buddycheck is new peer evaluation and feedback tool that can help make group work fairer, more transparent and reduce workloads for staff. It’s Learning Tech that dreams are made of!   Here I explain what it

Posted in Learning Technologies, Marking and assessment, Technology Enhanced Learning

Online teaching spaces: Exploring the digital myths

From supporting staff with their Virtual Learning Environment module sites and related teaching tools, I have seen past experiences become barriers. I aim to explore some of the myths heard over my 14 years working in FE & HE across

Posted in Learning Technologies

Presentation tips: accessible slides and free-to-use images

Some topics are of perennial interest and given that technologies are constantly changing there is usually something new to say. Two of the most popular posts on this blog have been on using Creative Commons images (2014) and making presentations

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Posted in Accessibility, Learning Technologies

Some new features in Canvas, Panopto and Padlet

The key learning technologies in use here at Sussex are regularly updated in response to customer feedback. In this post we’ve cherry-picked some of the most recent updates you may find useful. Canvas Canvas have recently introduced a feature that

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Portfolios: Collecting the best

A portfolio is a collection of a students work built up over a specific period of time often highlighting their development and collating the best examples of their practice.  Portfolios can be a great tool for assessing students’ development as

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Posted in Learning Technologies, Uncategorized

4 Great tools for collaboration

Collaboration is an essential part of learning so, this blog post will explore four tools you can use at the University of Sussex to facilitate digital collaboration.

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Posted in Learning Technologies

What is your problem? Apps that can help problem-based learning exercises

Interested to know more about the practices and theories behind problem-based learning (often shortened to its acronym PBL), the Active Learning Network set up a problem-based learning exploration hour last month which was attended by a number of educationalists across

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Posted in Learning Design, Learning Technologies

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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