Technology meets One World Week

One World Week at Sussex. Exploring how we can use technologies to collaborate and communicate across the globe.

One World Week starts Monday 14th March

This week, 14-20 March, is One World Week at the University of Sussex.

One World Week is an annual event which features a great programme of events, from performances and competitions to talks and debates, all of which aim to celebrate the diversity of cultures and nationalities here at Sussex.

Take a look at the programme of events this year featuring a Technology Enhanced Learning seminar!

One World Week is a great opportunity to look at the ways in which technology can keep students connected with the university, even when they are physically away from the university for long periods of time, such as during placements.  Read more ›

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Women in tech #Internationalwomensday

Tuesday 8th March was International Women’s Day, falling at the perfect time to align with the UK’s only festival celebrating women in digital – Spring Forward in Brighton

Among their month-long series of events was Saturday’s Women’s Day Photo Pop Up at 68 Middle Street, an experimental day of portraiture and discussion between some of the most creative minds in Brighton. Attracting a range of educators, writers, journalists, artists and digital pioneers, it was the perfect chance to reflect a little more deeply with the women who are truly changing the world of tech in our city.  Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Inclusive Digital Teaching Practice

Inclusive teaching to enable learning for all

flickr photo by teddy-rised shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-ND) license

To celebrate the launch of our new Inclusive Digital Practice Award, supported by funding from Santander Universities, this week’s blog post will look at ideas for how technology can be used as an enabler for inclusive teaching and learning.

What do we mean by ‘inclusive’ teaching practice?

Inclusive teaching considers the variety of learners’ individual needs and requirements when delivering pedagogic practices by seeking to pro-actively engage, enable and involve all students.

Inclusivity is one of the fundamental aspects for educators to take into account at any point during the design and delivery of teaching, learning and assessment.  Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Create an Ebook!

A book being held in the air as an example of a good book.

flickr photo by .christoph.G. shared under a Creative Commons (BY-ND) license

Would you like to create your own Ebook? In this post we look at the benefits of Ebooks and share some tips on how to create your own.

Why create an Ebook for teaching and learning?

Ebooks offer advantages over paper books in that they can offer a more dynamic experience to the reader through the ability to include hyperlinks and multimedia within the text. They can be updated easily too, are free to publish and can be easily shared and distributed. A digital format can be an engaging and mobile way to present new material to students. 

The TEL team created ‘Best blog posts of 2015, Teaching and Learning Edition’. To date, the EPUB version alone has been downloaded 137 times.  Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Get creative! Smartphones for learning

Make and create with your mobile! Don't just consume content, create content for learning with your Smartphone

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs shared under a Creative Commons (BY) license

Mobile devices are often seen as being for consumption of content, rather than creation.

This post offers suggestions for using students’ smartphones as part of a creative learning process that develops digital capabilities alongside subject knowledge and understanding. 
Much of the focus on ‘mobile learning’ has been on what can be achieved when students are given iPads, but it is more likely that students will be carrying smartphones with them that can be used in powerful ways to enhance learning through content creation.  Read more ›

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Posted in Digital scholarship, Mobile learning, Technology Enhanced Learning

TEL Innovation Scheme – The Winners!

Each year, Sussex TEL makes available grants of up to £1000 to support the development of innovative practices in the use of technology within teaching and learning.

The TEL Innovation Scheme gives Sussex teaching staff the opportunity to develop or experiment with new tools, resources or teaching approaches with the potential to inform practice in their School or disciplinary area. This year, we received many great proposals with a wide-variety of innovative ideas for practice being put forward and, whilst we would have liked to have funded them all, the selection process forced us to whittle the applications down to the following four winners:  Read more ›

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

A-Z of apps, reloaded! Piktochart, Plickers and Trello


TEL’s A – Z of apps updated. flickr photo by mag3737 shared under a Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA) license.

We first launched our A-Z of Apps in 2014 and it has gone on to become one of the most visited pages on our website. In this – our 100th post! – our colleague Summer Dean will introduce you to a selection of new apps that are included in our updated TEL A-Z of apps

Over to you, Summer…..


(Free with option to buy premium templates)

Infographics are an easy way to make a variety of data and information sets more visually appealing and engaging for your audience, making information easier to digest.  Read more ›

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Posted in App review, Technology Enhanced Learning

Finding the best tech at #Bett2016


Bett countryside

Several of the TEL team visited BETT 2016 last week. For the uninitiated BETT is the British Educational Training and Technology Show.

With more than 600 learning technology suppliers covering 5 different education sectors we knew it was going to be a busy day. Our game plan was to try and get round as many of the stalls as possible to scout for new and exciting possibilities.

After powering up with large coffees we hit the floor of the Excel Exhibition Centre. It was to be 6 hours until we would next see natural day light.  Read more ›

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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