Blog Archives

Tips to create engaging video recordings

The use of video to support teaching has increased significantly over the last ten years, with the number of teachers finding value in video content increasing each year since 2007. This is, in part, due to the forced video delivery

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Posted in Panopto

Tools and apps for active learning

This post will look at some digital tools that could be used for activities such as peer learning and applying knowledge. We are also keen to look at apps and tools that could help to build a sense of community.

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Posted in Active learning, Apps and tools

Scenario based learning

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative of the time it was written. Let’s start with the first question I’m sure you’re dying to ask, hypothetical reader:  what exactly is scenario based learning?  Scenario based learning (SBL)

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Posted in Learning Design

Outdoor learning: Introducing the Twalk, Twitter in the wild

#sussextwalk19 #LearnToTransform happy to start our twalk pic.twitter.com/XoOrpBtzTH— Paolo Oprandi (@paolo_oprandi) September 16, 2019 Lectures and seminars are the staple of higher education teaching and learning. Seminars are usually the dedicated teaching space for students to engage in discussions and

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Posted in Active learning

Twine: A choose your own teaching adventure

The ‘human mind is a story processor, not a logic processor.’ Jonathan Haidt Two of the most important areas in people’s lives are stories and agency, some would argue they are in fact integral to our nature, we communicate with

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Posted in Learning Design

Immersive Storytelling: Using new technologies to make your teaching stick.

Immersive Storytelling

Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years, to entertain, inform, teach and inspire. Storytelling isn’t reserved to fiction, stories are used in mathematics, across the sciences, art history, in music and so much more. We remember good stories,

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Posted in AR/VR/360

Reflections on an Erasmus visit to Sussex TEL

My name is Claire Fennell and I am a Senior Instructional Designer from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland. I recently visited the TEL Sussex team as part of the ERASMUS + programme, an EU funded programme allowing staff in

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

5 ways to make online discussions work in your teaching

Have you ever tried to complement your teaching with an online discussion and found that the student engagement is sporadic or non-existent? If you have you may stand with many tutors who have given up on online discussions, but did

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Posted in Active learning, Blended learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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