Blog Archives

Tips to create engaging video recordings

The use of video to support teaching has increased significantly over the last ten years, with the number of teachers finding value in video content increasing each year since 2007. This is, in part, due to the forced video delivery

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Posted in Panopto

How to encourage student engagement using Canvas discussion forums

Online discussion forums can be a useful tool for asynchronous communication amongst teachers and students. The functionality allows for both focused (singular posts for short-lived interactions) and threaded discussions (multiple posts/comments for in-depth conversation). Discussions are integrated within Canvas, and

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Posted in Canvas

Encouraging engagement in breakout room activities

Zoom breakout rooms can be a great way of facilitating interaction between students during online teaching sessions. They can be particularly useful when teaching large groups, when the possibility of student contributions is more limited. However, there is a danger

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Posted in Active learning, Blended learning, Learning Design

Student engagement in Zoom

We all know that trying to focus on someone speaking for long periods can be very draining, more so when we are increasingly holding digital meetings where a plethora of distractions lurk behind every browser tab (the rise of the

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Posted in Learning Spaces

5 ways to keep your students engaged online

When teaching online it is important to consider ways to help students engage with the materials and activities. Here are a few tips. 1. Establish clear routes of communication  Your main route of communication is likely to be the module’s

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Posted in Blended learning

Adding Requirements & Prerequisites in your Canvas modules.

Tutors can develop their use of the Units area in a Canvas module by making use of the Requirements and Prerequisites tools. These tools allow you to further guide your students through your module, directing them through the resources and

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design

Facilitating discussion and collaborative note-making in lectures through a backchannel

What is a backchannel? The ‘backchannel’ is a term coined by Victor Yngve, Professor of Linguistics (1970) to acknowledge subtle and informal responses from a person actively listening to someone else speaking. This term has since been adapted to fit

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

5 ways to make online discussions work in your teaching

Have you ever tried to complement your teaching with an online discussion and found that the student engagement is sporadic or non-existent? If you have you may stand with many tutors who have given up on online discussions, but did

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Posted in Active learning, Blended learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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