Blog Archives

Four Microsoft 365 tools to aid collaborative teaching and learning

Students and staff at the University of Sussex can get access to a suite of Microsoft 365 applications for their personal computers and mobile devices with 1TB of free storage. Many of these web-based tools facilitate collaborative activities and, as

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Posted in Apps and tools

What’s new in Padlet?

Padlet is a tool for creating online collaborative boards, that is very popular with teaching staff at Sussex. One of the best things about it is its versatility – with lots of layouts and ways of using it. We have

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Posted in Apps and tools

The rise of recognition apps

It is now extremely easy to identify just about anything on mobile devices through image recognition apps. From plants to insects, from foreign words to ancient texts, from rare paintings to state of the art buildings, from fingerprints to faces,

Posted in Apps and tools

Adding a ‘chat’ backchannel to in-person classes

During the pandemic most lectures have been online – either as recordings or as live Zoom sessions. Academics noticed that the ‘chat’ facility in the latter encouraged more questions and discussion than they had experienced during in-person lectures on campus.

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Posted in Apps and tools, Blended learning, Polling tools

Can I use this app?

A question that regularly pops into the Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) inbox is, ‘can I use this app?’ Assessing the educational potential of a new tool is a core part of the role of a Learning Technologist so this is

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Posted in Apps and tools

Using Microsoft Translator

Over the last few years closed captioning has come on in leaps and bounds; Zoom’s built-in closed captioning service can provide instant, accurate captions that are useful for students and staff alike. Whilst closed captioning is helpful for providing a

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Posted in Accessibility, Apps and tools

Tools and apps for active learning

This post will look at some digital tools that could be used for activities such as peer learning and applying knowledge. We are also keen to look at apps and tools that could help to build a sense of community.

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Posted in Active learning, Apps and tools

Zoom for online teaching

The University of Sussex has now acquired an institutional licence for Zoom, making it available for all staff and students at Sussex. For staff using Zoom for teaching there are online guides and links to support webinars on the Teaching

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Posted in Apps and tools, Learning Technologies

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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