Blog Archives

Exploring personas in Educational Enhancement

In May 2022 the Education Enhancement team (formerly TEL) hosted a workshop on Inclusive curricula using digital personas, with guest speakers Katie Stripe and Katie Dallison from Imperial College London. This workshop looked at one way of improving our service

Posted in Learning Design

What is your problem? Apps that can help problem-based learning exercises

Interested to know more about the practices and theories behind problem-based learning (often shortened to its acronym PBL), the Active Learning Network set up a problem-based learning exploration hour last month which was attended by a number of educationalists across

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Posted in Learning Design, Learning Technologies

Poster presentations online

Over the last year many activities that would previously have been run in rooms on campus have moved online. One such activity is the poster presentation. In this post I’ll explore how tutors can adapt this activity for online, gaining

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Posted in Accessibility, Blended learning, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning, Uncategorized

5 easy steps to set up inclusive, self-running study groups within your module

By Paolo Oprandi and Sarah Watson. What are study groups? A study group gives students the opportunity to meet on a regular basis and work together towards a common goal, such as unpacking concepts within a module, undertaking weekly module

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Posted in Learning Design

Portfolio use in teaching: initial steps in developing support for tutors

By Dr. Sarah Watson & Dr. Paolo Oprandi By the time that students have graduated from university, they will have completed a number of modules in order to obtain their degree. For each module they will usually have produced study

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Posted in Learning Design

Peer Learning with Canvas

Peer learning is a term that covers a broad spectrum of activities in which students work together to further their learning, from peer teaching, to group working, to peer assessment. There are great benefits to be seen from peer learning

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design

Top tips for large and small group (online) teaching

This post aims to provide some quick tips and tricks to help improve student engagement during online teaching sessions. We understand that group sizes mean different things to different people, a small group in one discipline may be considered a

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Posted in Learning Design

Encouraging engagement in breakout room activities

Zoom breakout rooms can be a great way of facilitating interaction between students during online teaching sessions. They can be particularly useful when teaching large groups, when the possibility of student contributions is more limited. However, there is a danger

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Posted in Active learning, Blended learning, Learning Design

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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