Blog Archives

The quest for alternative assessment

Formal exams and essays have formed the backbone of academic assessment for centuries, but they are far from perfect, and they don’t suit everyone – tutors and learners alike. Alternative assessment methods have been growing in popularity. Could it be the

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Posted in Learning Design

Use of recording software to facilitate authentic assessment

What is Authentic Assessment? An authentic assessment is one in which students are presented with real-world tasks to demonstrate how to apply knowledge and skills. As well as testing their knowledge of subjects they learn in class, an authentic assessment

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Posted in Case Study

Can you trust the cheaters?

There’s an episode of The Sopranos, quite early on, where Christopher Moltisanti has someone impersonate him and take the stockbrokers’ licensing exam on his behalf so he can run a dodgy investment operation. By this point in the series, we’ve

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Posted in Marking and assessment

Rubrics and you

Providing responsive and consistent feedback to students is an important if challenging part of assessment, however there are techniques and tools that can help you as a marker to leave great feedback. One of those techniques, and the focus of

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Posted in feedback, Marking and assessment

5 steps to effective formative assessment in Canvas

Good formative assessment throughout a module is key to achieving good student outcomes .It helps students and tutors to gauge how they are progressing and to identify areas to focus on. It also provides opportunities to practice and prepare for

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Posted in feedback

Poster presentations online

Over the last year many activities that would previously have been run in rooms on campus have moved online. One such activity is the poster presentation. In this post I’ll explore how tutors can adapt this activity for online, gaining

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Posted in Accessibility, Blended learning, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning, Uncategorized

Co-created marking criteria

Thankyou for reading this EE blog post this is representative at the time it was written. Over this summer the University of Sussex Business School embarked on a project to co-create new marking criteria for assessments within their courses. This

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Posted in Marking and assessment

Managing online activities with Canvas Sections and Groups

Tutors want to divide up students for a range of purposes, from the administrative to the creative. Canvas has two tools for this which work in distinct ways providing lots of opportunities, but sometimes causing some confusion. This post will

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Posted in Canvas

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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