Blog Archives

My 106th post: The tools may change but the important things remain.

As the longest standing (and oldest) member of the Educational Enhancement team I have written a lot of posts for this blog. On checking recently, I found that this will be my 106th. I may have missed a trick by

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Virtual Learning Environments – a parent’s perspective

My first year at Sussex as a Learning Technologist has been a transformative journey, enriched by the parallel experience of supporting my daughter through her inaugural year at a different university. This dual perspective has underscored the critical importance of

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Posted in Accessibility, Canvas

Canvas ‘hacks’ to save you time and stress.

Let me first make it clear I’m not talking about software hacking, but about lifehacks. A lifehack is ‘a tip, trick, or efficient method for doing or managing a day-to-day task or activity’ (source: Dictionary.com). This post will show you

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Posted in Canvas

Tips to avoid death by Announcement

Do you use Canvas Announcements to let your students know about events your school is running? Are students not responding to important announcements, only for you to find that they have disabled that notification channel? A Student Communications Survey by

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Posted in Apps and tools

Flexible learning for teaching staff

It has always been difficult to find times and spaces to train staff in some of the tools and platforms they need to use in their teaching. Now, in addition to on-campus and online sessions the Educational Enhancement team are

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Posted in Professional Development

Considering the user experience of VLEs: reviewing our Canvas templates.

I first learnt about Virtual Learning Environments almost twenty years ago. As a high school teacher I attended a training session on a ‘platform’ designed to record students’ homework tasks which would one day remove the need for planners (the

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Posted in Canvas

LGBT+ History Month: focus on inclusive teaching, learning and assessment

This year’s theme for LGBT+ History Month is ‘Behind the Lens’ and seeks to focus attention on the makers of images. However, everyone is a creator of representations and technology has made a huge contribution by providing the means for

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Posted in Inclusive teaching, Uncategorized

Some new features in Canvas, Panopto and Padlet

The key learning technologies in use here at Sussex are regularly updated in response to customer feedback. In this post we’ve cherry-picked some of the most recent updates you may find useful. Canvas Canvas have recently introduced a feature that

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Posted in Learning Technologies

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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