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Using captions in Zoom and Panopto to improve accessibility

When creating learning resources it’s important to make sure that they are accessible. Not only does this provide students with the support that they need, it is a legal requirement. One way of doing this is to provide text alternatives

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Posted in Accessibility

Tips for producing accessible online video presentations that will last.

Autumn term is fast approaching and with the move to planning for online delivery first, many people are thinking about pre-recording short video presentations to use in their teaching.  Here are some tips to make these engaging, accessible and reduce

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Posted in Panopto

4 top TEL tips for videos

This short video will take you through four quick top TEL tips which can help you improve the quality of your videos when you’re recording yourself. Tips include: Positioning. Ensure you are in the centre of frame of your camera

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Posted in digital skills, Panopto

Focus on Panopto: adding ASR captions

Panopto has the capability to generate automatic captions for any of your recordings using a process called Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Captioning of recordings can be very useful for students both in terms of accessibility and inclusivity, helping students who

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Posted in Accessibility, Panopto

Focus on Panopto: recording at your desk

Panopto’s headline function is lecture capture but you don’t have to be in a classroom to record a Panopto video. The ability to record at your desk or elsewhere using your own laptop opens up a range of other use

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Posted in Panopto

Focus on Panopto: Editing recordings

Panopto allows creators to edit their recordings. This post looks at the most common editing tasks you are likely to want to do.  Trimming Sometimes you might want to tidy up the beginning or end of a lecture recording. For

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Posted in Panopto

Focus on Panopto: Sharing recordings

Panopto is primarily used to record lectures, in which case lecturers will usually make the recording directly into the folder for a particular module. When those recordings have finished processing they will be visible to students on that module. Sometimes,

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Posted in Panopto

Focus on Panopto: Notes and Bookmarks

Recorded lectures are a useful resource for students and Panopto offers some great tools to help make the most of them. In this post we will be looking at Notes and Bookmarks.  Notes Making notes as you watch a Panopto

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Posted in Panopto

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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