Blog Archives

Canvas Know-How: Using the Accessibility Checker

When developing your teaching materials in Canvas, it is important to consider online standards of accessibility to ensure that your content is inclusive of as many individual students as possible. This is important to ensure that equal access and opportunity

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Posted in Accessibility, Canvas

Peer feedback for student learning

Professionals in all fields are constantly giving feedback to, and receiving feedback from, their peers. This blog post, for example, was reviewed by one of my colleagues before it was published and they made suggestions for ways to improve it.

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Posted in feedback

Facilitating discussion and collaborative note-making in lectures through a backchannel

What is a backchannel? The ‘backchannel’ is a term coined by Victor Yngve, Professor of Linguistics (1970) to acknowledge subtle and informal responses from a person actively listening to someone else speaking. This term has since been adapted to fit

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Canvas Know-how 5: Customising your home page

In your Canvas modules it is possible to choose which view you would like to set as the home page. There are a number of different options to choose from, depending on how you would like to present your content

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Posted in Canvas

Reflections on an Erasmus visit to Sussex TEL

My name is Claire Fennell and I am a Senior Instructional Designer from University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland. I recently visited the TEL Sussex team as part of the ERASMUS + programme, an EU funded programme allowing staff in

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

Canvas news: 18/19 modules now available to teaching staff

We are pleased to announce that new module sites for the 2018-19 academic year are now available within Canvas for all staff registered as a module convenor, assessment convenor or tutor for modules that exist on the University’s database. These

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Posted in Canvas

5 ways to make online discussions work in your teaching

Have you ever tried to complement your teaching with an online discussion and found that the student engagement is sporadic or non-existent? If you have you may stand with many tutors who have given up on online discussions, but did

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Posted in Active learning, Blended learning

Canvas Know-how 4: Creating a Glossary in Canvas

Whilst Canvas provides a variety of new opportunities that weren’t available in Study Direct, there are a couple of resource types that don’t have a direct Canvas equivalent. One of these is the Glossary tool, which has been used in

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Posted in Canvas

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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