Blog Archives

Three Tools for Learning Analytics

As teachers it would be great to be able to predict as early as possible, which students are going to require more support, to get accurate feedback on what a cohort has grasped and to adapt teaching to better meet

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design

5 steps to using tech for presentations

Giving presentations is as much a part of academics’ lives as it is their students’. Whether presenting at a conference or in an undergraduate seminar, there are similar issues to bear in mind and digital tools to help. Step 1.

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Posted in digital skills, Learning Design

Adding Requirements & Prerequisites in your Canvas modules.

Tutors can develop their use of the Units area in a Canvas module by making use of the Requirements and Prerequisites tools. These tools allow you to further guide your students through your module, directing them through the resources and

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design

5 ways to make groupwork work in your teaching

Learning from academics is important to students’ learning, but so is working with their peers. The types of communication that peer-to-peer work requires provokes forms of motivation, reflection and criticality that cannot be generated any other way. Furthermore, the main

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Posted in Learning Design

Blending Classroom Teaching with Online Learning in your VLE – Podcast S02 E04

Sussex TEL: Teaching with Tech S02 E04 – Blending Classroom Teaching with Online Learning in your VLE with Claire Fennell In this episode, we talk to Claire Fennell, a Senior Instructional Designer at University College Cork in Ireland, about how to

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Posted in Blended learning, Learning Design, Podcast

Canvas Know-how 1: Combining content on a single Canvas page.

When your module content is migrated to Canvas it will be displayed slightly differently to the way it looked in Study Direct. The two VLEs have different approaches to organising content, so you will see a best fit interpretation of

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Design, Technology Enhanced Learning

Specialism Based Learning – Podcast S02 E03

Sussex TEL: Teaching with Tech S02 E03 – Specialism Based Learning with Professor Lynne Murphy In this episode, we focus on how to train learners as researchers by making them specialists on a sub-topic within their discipline. This approach is

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Posted in Learning Design, Podcast

Providing a deeper, blended learning experience: A case study into use of an interactive e-textbook

Are you a tutor who would like to further enhance your students’ engagement with your module? Are you using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to its full potential or the opportunities that e-textbooks can bring? In the TEL team we

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Posted in Case Study, Learning Design, Mobile learning

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We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each week on using technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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