Exploring 3D objects for online learning

Early in the Coronavirus lockdown 2020, what seems an age ago now, parents found a new digital toy to amuse their children. Google had released a new feature in their search results where the search terms ‘panda’ or ‘tiger’ would bring the option to display a real creature in your own living room. This augmented reality (AR) was a bit of fun and kept my 4 year old’s attention for two precious minutes, but this same technology has some real world teaching applications. In this post I will explore a couple of tools which can bring objects and experiences to people who might otherwise not be able to access them due to location, cost or risk.

3D models

3D models can really help students to appreciate the shape and detail of an object, and with AR, their scale. 

Over recent years, many institutions, including Cleveland Museum of Art and the Smithsonian, have started to share 3D scans of their collections online and for free via a service called SketchFab. SketchFab now has a massive library of 3D objects which can be embedded in a webpage for students to rotate and view from different angles.

A 3D model of the Smithsonian’s Apollo 11 Command Module on Sketchfab. The image shows links to download the model, embed and share.
A 3D model of the Smithsonian’s Apollo 11 command Module on Sketchfab.

Selecting the embed option under the 3D model on the Sketchfab website will allow you to copy embed code which can then be pasted into a Canvas page. See the Canvas guides for information on how to embed in Canvas.

Please note, SketchFab does not currently support keyboard navigation for rotating viewing models, so some of your students may not be able to access this content and you will need to provide an alternative, such as a text description.

Augmented Reality (AR)

In March 2020 SketchFab announced that all objects were available in USDZ format. This format, created in a collaboration between Apple and Pixar, allows you to view the objects in AR, overlayed on your own location through a mobile device. 

Image shows a hand holding an iPad. on the screen of the iPad a 3D model of an amphora is overlaid on the scene captured by the iPad camera.
Viewing a 3D model of an amphora in AR

For those with iPhones or iPads a link to a USDZ file opens an AR image which you can place in your environment. Try this by finding a model on the Sketchfab website, underneath the model select the download option and choose USDZ format.

You could place an image in a Canvas page and link it to a USDZ file so that those with a mobile device could click and view the AR version of the object. For those without an apple mobile device, clicking the link will simply download the file.

If you have a little more technical know-how you could link to a version that will work on both Android and iOS devices. Please note this code can’t be embedded in Canvas directly, though there are workarounds.

Sketchfab is not the only solution for embedding 3D models into web pages. Alternatives include Mozilla’s Aframe.io and Google Poly.

Virtual reality (VR) tours

If you can’t get somewhere in person, Google Street View is a well known tool that may jump to mind as a way of exploring an area. Using Google Tour Creator you can take pictures from Google Street View along with your own 360 footage and create a tour, adding points of interest, overlaying images and narration.

In 2019 the Art History department at the University of Sussex visited Rome and as part of that trip they captured 360 images of several sites. Now that travel to Rome is limited, that content can be used to replace at least some of the experience of being there.

Again with virtual tour software, accessibility can be an issue so do speak with your students to ensure they can view any resources you create and be ready to provide alternatives where they can’t.

Alternative tools for VR tours include ThingLink, H5P and Paneek.

These were just a couple of examples of how you can provide virtual experiences of remote objects and places. If you are currently using or interested in VR technologies for teaching at the University of Sussex we’d love to hear about it. Contact tel@sussex.ac.uk to get in touch or to find out more.

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Posted in AR/VR/360, Learning Technologies, Uncategorized

Accessibility tips: Digital accessibility tools

When teaching and learning is happening online the accessibility of digital materials and activities is more important than ever. This post is part of a series of Accessibility Tips to help you make your digital materials accessible. There are more great tips in our Digital Accessibility Toolkit. Previous posts in this series look at:

This post focuses on the list of tools in the Digital Accessibility Toolkit which can be used by students with specific learning differences. Many of the listed tools would be useful to anyone and the majority have free versions. You can filter the list to find the right tools for your needs, based on the device(s) you want to use and the cost. A more exhaustive list of tools is available on the DnA (diversity and ability) website. 

screenshot of the filters showing Platform, Purpose and Cost.

Organisation and planning

You can help keep your work on track and reduce your stress levels by using a to-do app such as Trello for organising tasks and mind mapping software like Mindview for notes, planning and more. You can read more about these two digital tools in our post ‘The organisational tools I rely on’. Trello has a free version that would be enough for most users and the university provides Mindview to all staff and students. 


Students and staff will spend considerable amounts of time reading, and there are some great tools to help. To modify your screen’s display to reduce eye-strain, try F.lux which will adjust the display colour temperature according to location and time of day. Students and staff at Sussex can also use Sensus Access to automatically convert documents into a range of alternate media.You can read more about this in our post Alternative formats made easy with SensusAccess.


Microsoft and Google both allow you to speak your writing. Office 365, which is provided free to all staff and students at Sussex, lets you dictate into Word, OneNote, and PowerPoint. Google Docs allows users to create text using voice commands with a free Google account. 

Tools you have to pay for

There are other tools that are not free, but which are very useful for a range of needs. Some funding is available for paid-for tools through the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA).  

Claroread can read any on-screen text out loud to help students to read, write, study, and sit exams, while the Read & Write Chrome extension offers a range of support tools to help users gain confidence with reading, writing, studying and research. For note-taking and writing Audio Notetaker (Sonoscent), and Dragon (Dictate) are worth looking at.

Students can get more advice and guidance on selecting and using assistive and accessible learning technologies from the Sussex Regional Access Centre and staff wanting advice on making their teaching materials accessible can contact tel@sussex.ac.uk.

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Posted in Accessibility, Uncategorized

Padlet maps and timelines

Screenshot of the Map and Timeline options when creating a Padlet.

Padlet has been a popular tool for staff and students at Sussex for some time, which is why we have a Padlet Backpack licence and a range of guides and case studies on our website.

As teaching and learning have moved online this tool is being used even more. One of the main reasons people like Padlet is its versatility – with a blank digital wall the possibilities are endless, but two recent additions to the range of possible formats let you extend the ways that you can use Padlet.


The new Maps format, with a range of different styles to choose from gives you a map of the world on which you can pin posts, containing any of the usual range of Padlet content including text, files, images, weblinks, video, audio and drawings. You can zoom in and out so this can focus on the whole world or just one town! 

This could be great for many different disciplines. Here are some ideas for how you might get your students to use it: 

  • Introductions at the start of a module. Students and staff could each add a post pinned on their home country with a short text, video or audio introduction of themselves and/or their homeland. 
  • Building community by sharing ideas for places to visit in the area around the university. 
  • Mapping events and/or people to show where historical, political or social movements arose and spread. 
  • Sharing media from field trips, pinned to the locations where they were created. 
  • Identifying aspects of geography and/or posting questions about them for others to respond to. 

These are just a few ideas, but anything that can be related to a place could benefit from a Padlet map. You can learn more about maps on the Padlet blog

Here is an example of a Padlet using the Map format. 


If you and your students are more concerned with time than space, then a Padlet using the Timeline format could be for you. This is not as sophisticated as tools that focus only on timelines, such as TikiToki or Sutori, but it is easy to use, versatile and available free for staff and students as part of the Sussex Padlet Backpack licence. 

You can add all the usual types of content that Padlet accepts, including text, files, images, weblinks, video, audio and drawings. Each post is added at a point on the timeline that you choose and others can be added before, after, or between existing posts. You can move posts around so it’s easy to rearrange your timeline as necessary. 

This could be great for many different disciplines. Here are some ideas for how you might get your students to use it: 

  • Creating a timeline of key concepts and/or theorists. 
  • Adding cultural context to historical points. 
  • Describing and discussing the stages of a process, such as an experiment. 
  • Creating a class journal describing and discussing key points across a module. 

These are just a few ideas, but anything that can be related to a point in time, or arranged in a specific sequence could benefit from a Padlet timeline. You can learn more about timelines in the Padlet blog

Here is an example of a Padlet using the Timeline format. 

Accessibility and support 

Not all of the functions in Padlet are fully accessible, though this is something they are working on (see Accessiblity and Padlet). When using Padlet you should consider whether you need to provide alternatives or modify the activity to allow everyone to take part. If you know that students are using screen-reading software to access internet content, or relying on keyboard input to navigate computer resources (i.e. do not use a mouse), you should consider alternate ways to include these students in the planned activity. Care should also be taken that wallpaper and colour schemes used in Padlet do not disadvantage students who are partially-sighted or have a colour vision deficiency. 

The Technology Enhanced Learning team (TEL) are always happy to support staff getting started with Padlet or thinking about how it might be useful for their students’ learning. Contact us at tel@sussex.ac.uk   

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Canvas tips and tricks

Canvas logo

While more teaching and learning is happening remotely, Canvas is increasingly central to engagement with students. As we have been using Canvas for nearly two years now we thought it was a good time to remind you of some features you may not have explored yet and share some of the TEL team’s favourite tips.


When students are learning at a distance they can feel isolated and it can feel impersonal, but adding a human touch can help. This could be something as simple as adding a photo to your Canvas profile so that any announcements or discussion posts you make are accompanied by your friendly face. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I add a profile picture in my user account as an instructor? 

To help you stay connected with your students you will want to check and perhaps update your notification preferences. This will allow you to be alerted when posts are made to Discussions, messages are sent to your Canvas Inbox and more. These settings will apply to all the modules on which you have a role. To review and amend your notification preferences click on Account in the global navigation menu and select Notifications. Here you can choose which notifications to receive, how often and via which communication method. Your Sussex email will already appear in the options, but you can add other emails, mobile phone numbers etc. by going to Account and selecting Settings then +Contact method. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guides: 

Discussions are a good way for you to stay connected with your students and for them to connect with each other without the need to all be online at the same time. You can create Discussions for separate seminar groups by choosing which ‘section(s)’ a Discussion is available to. In the Discussion settings choose the seminar group(s) in the ‘Post to’ box. If you have a Discussion you want to make available to different sections you can duplicate it and change the ‘Post to’ setting for each copy. 

Announcements are a great way to alert students to new things going on. To maximise the impact of your Announcements you can set your module to show announcements on the home page. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I show recent announcements in the Course Home Page? You may also want to advise your students to update their own notification preferences (above) so that they are notified about any announcements.

You can also schedule Announcements in advance, so if you want to remind students about a scheduled event on the day you can specify a date  and time when your announcement will be posted. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I delay posting an announcement until a specific date in a module? 

Staying organised 

In difficult times some basic organisation and structure can be a great help. You can save yourself some time and stress by making a few small changes in Canvas, starting with your Dashboard. To get the sites you use most often where you can easily see them, click and drag any of the module cards on your dashboard to rearrange them. You can remove or add cards to your dashboard by going to Modules, all modules and clicking the stars to select or deselect modules. You can also give the cards ‘nicknames’ which could be useful if you have several with similar names. Only you will see the nickname you choose. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I view my favorite courses in the Card View Dashboard as an instructor?

An example of a Canvas Dashboard
An example of a Canvas Dashboard

Over the course of a year, your files area of your module site can get a bit cluttered and it can be hard to locate the files you want. It can be a good idea to set up a folder structure to organise your files, perhaps matching your units structure. This way each time you upload a new file you can put it in a location that will be easy to find again. It’s also a good idea to use naming conventions so you can quickly see which version of file you are using and what it is for. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I move and organize my files as an instructor?

Panopto makes it easy to ensure your recordings get to the right students. When you launch Panopto from the Canvas module, the module you are in is automatically selected as the destination folder for the recording. 


As you update your Canvas sites there are a few useful tools you may not have used yet. A recent blog post introduced the enhanced Rich Content Editor (RCE) and the new Direct Share function. Both of these are available for staff to try now and the Rich Content Editor will replace the existing RCE in June 2020. You can find lots of step-by-step instructions in the Canvas guides to the New Rich Content Editor.

The Enhanced Rich Content Editor (RCE)
The Enhanced Rich Content Editor (RCE)

One of our favourite features of Canvas is a great safety net when you are updating Pages. Every page has the option to see all the previous versions and revert to one of them if you want to. So if you accidentally delete something important or mess up the layout of a page you can easily restore a previous version. If you are making lots of edits on a page it is therefore a good idea to save often so that you can easily undo any errors without losing too much work. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I view the history of a page in a course?

If you are copying and pasting into Canvas, then wherever you are using the Rich Content Editor (e.g. Pages, Discussions, Announcements) you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+V (Command + Shift + V on a Mac) to paste text without including any of the formatting of the original text that you copied. This helps you to keep your content neat and legible for students.

The rich content editor (RCE) allows you to embed all sorts of rich media content, including Panopto recordings, YouTube, Twitter and more into Pages. How you do this depends on whether you are using the updated RCE or not. In the old version click the blue down chevron, in the new click the icon that looks like a plug. 

Whatever you are adding to your Canvas module don’t forget to check for accessibility. If you are creating Pages, Discussions, Announcements or anything else that uses the Rich Content Editor you can use the built-in accessibility checker which will look for colour, logical order of heading styles, alt text and tables. It then gives you options to make adjustments as needed. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I use the Accessibility Checker in the Rich Content Editor as an instructor? and check out the TEL Digital Accessibility toolkit for more great tips on making your content accessible.

You will also want to make sure that any links to external sites or files are working properly and Canvas can help you with that. From the Settings menu item you can access the module link validator which searches module content for invalid or unreachable links and images. It will show you which links on which pages are broken so you can quickly fix them. For step-by-step instructions see the Canvas Guide How do I validate links in a course?

Help and support

If you would like further help you can:

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Posted in Canvas

Zoom for online teaching

The University of Sussex has now acquired an institutional licence for Zoom, making it available for all staff and students at Sussex. For staff using Zoom for teaching there are online guides and links to support webinars on the Teaching Online Learning Anywhere site. 

What is Zoom and how can it be used for teaching?

Zoom is a video conferencing tool which can be used to run online meetings where you can share video, audio and/or your screen with others. When used in a teaching context you can also allow students to type questions, run polls and split students into smaller groups for group discussions. 

While it is not possible to meet in person Zoom can be useful for discussion or presentation based sessions with groups of students, one-to-one meetings, tutorials and/or office hours or recording content with guest speakers.

Zoom sessions can now be as long as you want, but are limited to 300 participants. Before using Zoom in your teaching there are some important things to consider:

  • Students who do not have access to high-speed internet may have problems participating in Zoom sessions.
  • Ensure the session is being delivered in a quiet space with good lighting, a well positioned webcam and a good quality headset or microphone.
  • Any collaborative documents/tools to be used during the session should be prepared and tested in advance.
  • Introduce yourself at the start of each session, test your audio and check students are able to hear you before commencing.
  • Provide clear guidance on how students may participate, for example by asking questions using the text chat facility.
  • Regular pauses should be incorporated into the delivery to allow time to respond to student comments or questions.

Is Zoom always the best choice?

Zoom provides you with a tool for synchronous teaching, however you can run asynchronous sessions too. Canvas Discussions, pre-recorded content using Panopto or collaborative documents would be good options and would be less reliant on students having fast internet connections and all being available at the same time. As many students will have other calls on their time, or may be in other time zones this is important to consider.

If you plan to facilitate real-time seminars online (irrespective of the tool used) students should be informed in advance that participation assumes consent to the sharing and recording of participant input. 

Where can I learn how to use Zoom for teaching?

There is detailed guidance on using Zoom (videos and PDFs) on the Teaching Online Learning Anywhere site. TEL are also running webinars to introduce you to teaching online with Zoom. University of Sussex staff can register for a session via the Training Opportunities link on the Teaching Online Learning Anywhere site. Zoom also provide a range of useful video tutorials

How can I make my Zoom sessions more interactive?

If you are using Zoom for a seminar-like session you don’t want it to be a one-way teacher-centred session. If you only want to present to students, then making a Panopto recording will be a better option.

Within Zoom you can use Polls to add interactivity and increase engagement. These could be used to gather student opinions or gauge understanding of concepts with multiple choice / multiple response questions. Although you can create a poll ‘on the fly’ during a Zoom meeting you will probably want to set them up in advance. You can do this within any meeting scheduled via Canvas by importing a CSV (a template is provided).

You can also use Breakout rooms to get students working together in small groups just as you might in a face-to-face session. You can manually assign groups or Zoom can automatically make groups for you. As a teacher you can ‘visit’ the breakout rooms and students can ‘invite’ you if they want to ask for help. You may want to refer students to the Zoom guidance on Participating in breakout rooms to help them use this functionality.


Wherever and however teaching is taking place you need to ensure that materials and activities are accessible. If you have particular students who you know have accessibility needs then it is always a good idea to speak to them about what is needed to allow them to participate. 

As well as the accessibility features built into Zoom you can assign someone to make live captions if needed and/or you can upload a recording of a Zoom meeting to Panopto and generate the automatic captions.

Where can I get help with teaching online?

There are lots of great resources for University of Sussex staff on the Teaching Online Learning Anywhere site. 

Members of the Technology Enhanced Learning team are working remotely but will be happy to respond to queries and help you find the best options for you and your students. You can contact the team via tel@sussex.ac.uk

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Posted in Apps and tools, Learning Technologies

Accessibility tips: Mobile accessibility

Accessibility is a hot topic in Higher Education. Around 15% of the student population at the University of Sussex have registered disabilities with potentially many more who have unidentified or undisclosed needs. 

Mobile devices and the iPhone in particular have been a massive enabler for people with disabilities. Google have also made accessibility improvements over recent years and the latest versions of Android rivals iOS for features. Blind students may use the inbuilt screen readers (VoiceOver, iOS or TalkBack, Android) and students with physical disabilities may use alternative means for navigating their devices such as switch control

In this post, we will focus on some of the other features that can help to improve the experience of accessing learning resources on mobile. 

Display options and reading the screen

Mobile phones are by their nature small so the default text and graphics also tend to be quite small, however it’s easy to change the font size. These support pages will show you how to cChange font size on Android or iOS devices. 

Colour blindness affects around 4.5% of the population, which equates to around 1000 students at Sussex. Both Android and iOS enable users to apply colour filters to their screen to improve contrast and readability. These support pages will show you how to change colour filters on Android or iOS devices.

If you need help reading on your mobile device you don’t have to use a full featured screen reader such as those mentioned above. Once iOS’s Speak Screen function is turned on, swiping down with two fingers will read whatever content is currently displayed on screen. Android has a similar Select to Speak option which will read all text that is visible on screen. 

Taking control

Wellbeing is an increasingly important topic in HE and mental health condition is the most frequently registered disability at the University of Sussex. Your digital devices can help you to improve things. Android version 10 includes a focus mode which allows you to pause notifications from distracting apps. On iOS, ScreenTime will allow you to pause notifications while also allowing you to set usage limits for certain apps.

You may not want all these accessibility features turned on all the time so both iOS and Android offer shortcuts to open them. Newer versions of Android have a dedicated accessibility button at the bottom of the screen which can be configured to launch certain tools. On iOS, the home button or side button can be set as a shortcut to launch accessibility tools.

What’s coming?

This is a fast changing area. The most recent Google devices now provide real time transcription and captioning for any media playing on the device, without the need for an internet connection. Apple also continue to make improvements. To keep informed, Google provide accessibility help pages with up-to-date guidance on the Android accessibility. Information on iPhone accessibility features are available on the Apple website.

If you have other questions about how you can make your teaching practice more accessible, please contact tel@sussex.ac.uk

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Posted in Accessibility

Accessibility tips: Check accessibility

In the latest of our ‘Accessibility Tips’ blog posts I will be looking at some quick and easy ways that you can check that the digital materials you produce meet the legislation requirements and provide an improved learning environment for all. You can read more about digital accessibility in the Digital Accessibility toolkit

Use the Accessibility Checklist 

Many tools have built-in accessibility checkers, but these will work best if you have already used accessible design features in your documents. This Accessibility Checklist (which you could even print out and pin up near your desk) will help you create materials that are accessible. Our blog post on inclusive design also has some great tips on this. 

Think of any accessibility checkers in the tools you use as like spell-checkers; you still try to spell everything correctly as you write, but they are great to use at the end of the process. Like spell-checkers, accessibility checking tools will not necessarily identify every issue. 

Check content in Canvas 

When you are creating content in Canvas you can use the integrated accessibility checker which is available wherever the Rich Content Editor (RCE) is used. That includes Announcements, Assignments and Discussions as well as Pages. The tool checks tables, headings, alt-text for images and text contrast and offers suggestions to fix issues.  

To learn more about the Canvas Accessibility Checker see: 

Check Microsoft Office documents 

If you are using Word documents or PowerPoint presentations there is a Microsoft Accessibility Checker that makes it possible for you to check the accessibility of your documents directly from within the programme by selecting File > Check for issues > Check accessibility. This is useful for pre-existing documents, but if you are creating new documents, following guidance to make them accessible as you create them will help you to minimise the work involved in checking and fixing issues. 

To learn more about making Word documents and PowerPoint presentations accessible see:  

Check PDFs 

PDF (Portable Document Format) has been used extensively for displaying documents online because they can be viewed and look the same across a range of devices. However, now that more material is being viewed on mobile devices and we are thinking more about accessibility, PDFs are posing challenges. 

Staff at the University of Sussex have access to Adobe Acrobat Pro DC which allows you to check the accessibility of existing PDFs: 

  • Select Tools > Accessibility to open the Accessibility Checker. 
  • Run Full Check 
  • Select Start Checking 

When creating new documents, however, it would be worth considering whether PDF is the best format to use and if you decide to use PDF take care to make it as accessible as possible.  

You can learn more about this in:  

More help and guidance

The TEL team are always happy to advise and support staff in making teaching materials more accessible, so please contact us at tel@sussex.ac.uk if you want to discuss what is best for you and your students. 

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Posted in Accessibility

Accessibility Tips: Creating accessible resources

It might feel daunting to create an accessible document from scratch. Luckily with just a few good design principles you can create wonderfully accessible documents in just a few simple steps.

Making documents accessible isn’t about making everything the same and restricting creativity, it’s about creating a document that is inclusive.  Designing a document poorly may mean that some students will not get the benefit of it, or may miss out on crucial information that other learners will be getting and therefore be disadvantaged. 

To help you with this, we have created our Digital Accessibility Toolkit, a collection of links and guides to best practice when it comes to making your resources digitally accessible. Below we’ve highlighted our top three tips for getting started. Be sure to check out the full toolkit on our webpages.

3 top tips for creating accessible resources

Tip 1: Use Heading styles

Make your work more accessible and reduce your workload? Impossible I hear you say, not with heading styles. Unless you need to have specific fonts or colours, then selecting heading styles does some of the work for you, they style your text accordingly. Not only that they also markup the text so that someone who screen reader or navigates with a keyboard instead of a mouse can easily navigate the document. 

Screenshot of ribbon in Microsoft Word with Styles highlighted
Screenshot of ribbon in Microsoft Word with Styles highlighted.

Tip 2: Add Alternative text.

Videos and images are more popular on websites and modules sites than ever. It’s easy to create rich media content, but it’s just as easy to forget that there are some users who simply can’t hear or see the great content you are sharing with them. Our second top tip is Alt text, this can be a description of an image or closed captions on a video. There are a range of tools to support you with this, you can find guidance in the toolkit

Arrows pointing to Options above an image and to the text field for adding alt text to images in Canvas.
Alt text in Canvas.

Tip 3: Provide materials in advance.

Whilst not strictly a design point, it helps. A great one for all your students, it gives them the opportunity to prepare questions or to do some advance reading. It is particularly useful for students whose first language isn’t English and students who may require more time for processing. It also gives opportunities for students to convert the materials into a format of their choosing, for example by using SensusAccess to convert a text document into an mp3 and listen to the reading on the bus on their way to the lecture.

There is of course much more you can and should do when creating and providing documents, pages and resources for teaching and learning, but follow these top tips and you’ll be making a great start. 

If you need further guidance, support or want some sessions for you and your colleagues, please get in touch with us tel@sussex.ac.uk. We’re more than happy to help.

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