Blog Archives

4 Great new features in Padlet

Padlet has come a long way since it was first introduced as a teaching tool at the university with a number of updates and new features that have been added to it. In this blog post we’ll explore four recent

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Posted in Learning Technologies

Flexible learning for teaching staff

It has always been difficult to find times and spaces to train staff in some of the tools and platforms they need to use in their teaching. Now, in addition to on-campus and online sessions the Educational Enhancement team are

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Posted in Professional Development

Some new features in Canvas, Panopto and Padlet

The key learning technologies in use here at Sussex are regularly updated in response to customer feedback. In this post we’ve cherry-picked some of the most recent updates you may find useful. Canvas Canvas have recently introduced a feature that

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Posted in Learning Technologies

5 new changes in Padlet

Padlet is a great tool which is popular around the University, the tool has also received a number of new updates over the last year or so which have added functionality and improvements to one of our favourite tools. So

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Posted in Apps and tools

Canvas, Panopto and Padlet: what’s new?

The learning technologies that we use at the University of Sussex see a steady stream of updates as they respond to the needs of their users. We thought it would be useful to pull together all of the recent updates

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Posted in Canvas, Learning Technologies

What’s new in Padlet?

Padlet is a tool for creating online collaborative boards, that is very popular with teaching staff at Sussex. One of the best things about it is its versatility – with lots of layouts and ways of using it. We have

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Posted in Apps and tools

Adding a ‘chat’ backchannel to in-person classes

During the pandemic most lectures have been online – either as recordings or as live Zoom sessions. Academics noticed that the ‘chat’ facility in the latter encouraged more questions and discussion than they had experienced during in-person lectures on campus.

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Posted in Apps and tools, Blended learning, Polling tools

The top TEL blog posts in 2020/21

It’s been a year (plus) like no other, but now the academic year is ending there’s a chance for some reflection. I was interested to see whether the number of views of posts on the TEL blog could tell us

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Posted in Technology Enhanced Learning

About our blog

We are the Educational Enhancement team at the University of Sussex. We publish posts each fortnight about the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Read more about us.

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