Blog Archives

Ripping up the rule book: doing scholarship in arts and humanities ways

On Wednesday the 19th April the School of Media Arts and Humanities (MAH), in collaboration with Educational Enhancement (EE), hosted an event celebrating the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) from arts and humanities perspectives. The symposium established a space

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Sylvia Crowe: unearthing the woman who landscaped our learning

Most people at the University of Sussex haven’t heard of Sylvia Crowe. Her legacy at the University is strong, but generally silent, existing in the spine of trees that cut across the centre of campus, the cloisters, courtyards, and pathways

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Bridging the gap in perceived usefulness of educational technologies between students and lecturers

Dr Xuan Huy Nguyen (Lecturer in Marketing: University of Sussex Business School) Introduction Educational technologies play a critical role in enhancing lecturers’ teaching and students’ learning experiences in higher education. As a result, educational technologies have attracted attention from many

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They told us what they want, so now what?: Reflections on the participatory design of a Business Law and Practice module – part 1

Jeanette Ashton and Kieran Durcan Introduction and pedagogical context This blog reflects on the process of working with students to develop a new Business Law and Practice module (BLP) for Sussex Law School, one of two options for law students

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Learning through the landscape

By Dr John Parry (Senior Lecturer: Education) and Dr Sarah Watson (Academic Developer) The University of Sussex was founded, both literally and intellectually, on its downland surroundings. Basil Spence, the University architect, wanted the campus to ‘grow out of the

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“What’s really lacking from the academic curriculum is that practical skill which you can take forward in your legal career.” Embedding employability skills: a student perspective

By Jeanette Ashton and Paven Basuita References  Bathmaker, AM, Ingram, N and Waller, R (2013) ‘Higher education, social class and the mobilisation of capitals: recognising and playing the game’ British Journal of Sociology of Education, 34, (5/6): 723-743   Department

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The need to rethink our approach to formative assessment in Higher Education

Dr Verona Ni Drisceoil is a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Sussex. She is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). Her current research focuses on transition pedagogy, inequality in education and assessment for learning. 

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Now is the time to end awarding gaps in UK universities

Guest post by Mark Clark (Senior Lecturer in Management) Since 2015, Mark has been based at the University of Sussex as a Senior lecturer in the Business School within the Management department. During this time, he has achieved SFHEA and

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Fitting in and getting on: exploring the challenges and opportunities of an Education and Scholarship career pathway

Guest post by Paven Basuita, Jeanette Ashton & Kieran Durcan  Paven Basuita is a Lecturer in Law (Education and Scholarship) and a Non-Practising solicitor. She joined the University of Sussex in 2019 from BPP Law School. Paven runs the Client Interviewing

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Practical approaches to teaching life science during the pandemic

Guest post by Lorraine Smith Lorraine Smith is a senior lecturer within the School of Life Sciences, and sits within the subject disciplines of biochemistry and biomedicine. Smith’s teaching responsibilities are varied and cover modules spanning foundation through to Masters

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