Blog Archives

Using video feedback to engage students with marking criteria

Clare Harris, Senior Teaching Fellow in Creativity and Design, and Alexandre Rodrigues, Lecturer in Product Design, explain how they implemented the use of screen recordings to enhance their feedback. Clare has a background in design and extensive experience working in

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Developing a feedback policy for Life Science

Dr Joanna Richardson, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry, explains how the School of Life Sciences developed and implemented its feedback policy.   What we did:  Over the summer of 2021 I led a working group in the Life Sciences tasked with developing

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Strategies for making quantitative assessments more AI resilient

In this case study, Dr Myrna Hennequin, Lecturer in Economics, shares her strategies for making online quantitative assessments more AI resilient.  What I did   I redesigned the online assessments for the module Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics: Maths (QMBE

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Introducing optionality in assessment modes

In this case study, Dr Jo Wilson, Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law, talks about how she introduced optionality in assessment modes in her final year module, Advanced Contract Law in Practice, to create more inclusive and accessible assessment practices.  What I

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“It equals the playing field” : Student reflections on introducing optionality as an accessible and inclusive assessment practice

Dr Jo Wilson Introduction Optionality in assessment has recently come under the spotlight, with the QAA highlighting the need for Higher Education to develop more inclusive, accessible, and flexible assessment choices. In response to this, the University of Manchester recently

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Re-imagining approaches to supporting students’ learning from feedback – the hidden curriculum, care-based pedagogies and learning communities

The culmination of the assessment cycle at the end of what has been a particularly challenging year offers an opportunity (once we have caught our breaths!) to revisit our understanding of how we can best support our students to learn

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